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uManage Pro

Technology is at the centre of everything we do. IMA’s one-of-a-kind software solution, uManage Pro, makes cleaning and managing MRO master data easier than ever.


uManage Pro was developed in-house by IMA to fit the needs of data cleansing and governance better than any existing software. Not only do we offer uManage Pro as a tool to our clients, but it’s what IMA uses for all of our services.

Go default or make it your own

IMA Data Schema

uManage Pro features a data schema developed over 20 years. Complete with over 2000 categories and an average of 7 of the industry's most popular attributes you can rest assured your data will be world class. 

Custom Schema

Does your organization work with a custom schema developed for your data? No problem! uManage Pro can integrate custom schemas to maintain consistency with previous data efforts.  

Data Rules and Formatting

Whether you decide to adopt the data rules and formatting built in to uManage Pro or leverage your own the output is world class data all the time, every time.

uManage Pro
uManage Pro

Data Management

Self Serve

Self-manage your MRO master data. With various user roles your organization can develop a lifecycle that enables your resources to create and maintain world class data. 

IMA Supported

Utilize the subject matter experts at IMA to augment your MRO master data workflow. Concentrate on your daily tasks while IMA maintains your data integrity. 

Hybrid Solution

Not sure if you want to self manage your data or let IMA do it for you? No problem. We are here as little or as much as you need. 

Data Resources

MRO Library

Access more than 1,000,000 of the most popular MRO items. With a single click you can enhance your MRO Master items. 

Duplication Identification

 Eliminating duplication enhances data quality, simplifies data management, and supports more effective procurement and inventory management processes. 


Codification helps users by providing a standardized, efficient, and accurate way to manage, identify, and procure materials. 

uManage Pro
uManage Pro

Data Workflow

Multi-level Approval

Aligning the approval process to match that of your organization is imperative. uManage Pro can be customized to adapt to your approval needs. 

Bulk Submission

Have a new piece of equipment that requires critical and normal wear items to be added to your material master? Submit your items in bulk and let IMA prepare on your behalf. 

System Integration

Leverage the power of our data governance technology and connect your ERP or CMMS directly to uManage Pro.

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