Data Governance
After you’ve completed a data cleansing project, it’s imperative that you implement strategies to keep your data up to the new standards.
uManage Pro is an IMA-developed software solution designed to elevate your world class data management practices and ensure your MRO mmaster data remains consistently clean, accurate, and enhanced.

Create The Workflow You Need
Our easy-to-use solution was developed with our users in mind. That’s why uManage Pro has multiple tiers of approvals that you can choose to use (or not!) as well as different user levels.
Flexibility in Data Governance
IMA knows that every company has unique needs and your governance solution should match them. That’s why we offer IMA-supported governance as well as self-serve governance, with the middle ground to get exactly the support you need.
IMA Supported Governance
Automatically send your data to IMA for quick and accurate cleansing. We make sure any additional data or modifications are up to our professional standards and keep your MRO master accurate.
Don’t need all of your data governed by IMA? No problem! Send as much or as little as you want to us and only pay for what you have done.
Self-serve governance
If you have the resources to self-govern your data, uManage Pro makes it easy for your employees to enter and modify data without any assistance.

Features of IMA Data Governance
Rule-based data input
Industry leading search functionality
Role-based user access
Item duplication identification
Approval process
Self-serve or IMA supported
Full system integration to ERP/EAM/CMMS
Option to adopt our taxonomy or integrate your own
Embedded codification
Data Governance Benefits
Maintain data integrity
Reliable data for tracking inventory
Ability to choose your taxonomy
Embedded codification
Consistent formatting
Unlimited users